Pipe Flow Advisor

A utility for calculating water flow rate through pipes, channels, weirs.


Pipe Flow Advisor is a utility that can help you calculate flow rate, depth or volume for water flowing through pipes, tubes, channels and weirs or the time taken for a tank to empty.

The developer specifies that the results are estimates obtained using the Manning formula, and that more accurate results can be received with practical measurements.

The work area of the utility presents several tabs, each serving for making calculations for a specific type of pipe, tube, channel or tank. Flow rate from weirs can also be estimated and a Manning calculator is also included here. Calculations can be done for pipes and tubes that are either full or partially full. Input data for each water holder refers to Manning's coefficient, length, internal diameter or height, fluid depth or others, depending on the solid that estimates are made for. The returned results may refer to water flow rate, water depth, volume and weight, length expansion or time taken to empty the pipe, again depending on the specific holder.

Pipe Flow Advisor can make calculations related to water flowing through pipes, channels or weirs or held in with the help of the Manning formula. Results are quickly computed and the user interface is self-explanatory.


  • Performs various calculations quickly


  • The results are estimates and they cannot replace practical measurements
This program received 1 award
PipeFlow Software
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